Matthew Sequel Lewis





Nearly White Girl Girling on Behalf of Sonic Momentum

Lichen Drawings

GCC Active Members badge

Buckinghamshire County Museum
Medical illustrations
Chocolate cubes
Smog at ArtVerona 2022
Our Time on Earth
Effra Creek! Effra Wash! Effra Splash!
The Haptic Way
Underground Urbanism
Local holidays
Anna Felicie

It’s Freezing in LA! magazine

It’s Freezing in LA! website
Special Edition: Visible Signs that Something Isn’t Right
#9: Health
#8: Borders
#7: Regeneration
#6: Greenwashing
#5: New Approaches
#4: Humans & Ecology
#3: Protest
#2: Time for a Change
#1: Pilot

Selected press

AIGA Eye on Design
The Daily Heller
The Guardian
Mag Culture (on IFLA! 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Creative Lives in Progress
It’s Nice That


D&AD (Shortlisted)
D&AD (Wood)
D&AD New Blood (Wood)

Stack Magazine (Shortlisted)

Stack Magazine (Shortlisted)

Stack Magazine (Shortlisted)

Talks, workshops, and live briefs

Camberwell University
Canterbury University
Central Saint Martins
Leeds University

Lighthouse Brighton

Norwich University
Kingston University

Winchester University

Matthew Sequel Lewis © 2024
All images on this site are creations by Matthew Sequel Lewis, unless otherwise specified.

Lichen Drawings

The 10th issue of It’s Freezing in LA!’s central theme is Plants. Research and digital images of lichen has been included in an infographic page spread.

At odds with IFLA! 10’s theme, lichen are not plants, rather they are often found accompanying them. Like plants, and any organism for that matter, lichen appear to be singular. Yet studying lichen under a microscope reveals two composite parts: fungus, and algae (or cyanobracteria) from which plants first evolved. Photosynthesising cells are entangled with fungal filaments. The symbiosis that forms a lichen suggests that ‘organisms’ are blurrier than previously presumed.

Consider our own relationships, as ‘individual’ humans, with the various beings that form our ‘microbiomes’ (from gut bacteria to yeasts) – studies suggest that cells with human DNA only constitute 43% of the body’s total. Given our own symbiotic relationships with microbiomes, plants, other people, and lichens themselves, it’s difficult to dispute that we too are blurry-boundaried organisms connected to a wide array of life diffused both within and without us. In this way, symbiotic lichen remind us to honour those connections.  

Lichen shown

 Christmas (wreath) lichen, Cryptothecia rubrocincta
 Namib Sun lichen, Caloplaca namibensis
 Map lichen, Rhizocarpon geographicum
Usnea plicata
 Maritime sunburst lichen, Xanthoria parietina
 Rock tripe, Umbilicaria
 Wrinkled shingle lichen, Pannaria lurida
Stereocaulon vesuvianum
 Trumpet lichen, Cladonia fimbriat

Research and images by Matthew Lewis

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