Matthew Sequel Lewis





Nearly White Girl Girling on Behalf of Sonic Momentum

Lichen Drawings

GCC Active Members badge

Buckinghamshire County Museum
Medical illustrations
Chocolate cubes
Smog at ArtVerona 2022
Our Time on Earth
Effra Creek! Effra Wash! Effra Splash!
The Haptic Way
Underground Urbanism
Local holidays
Anna Felicie

It’s Freezing in LA! magazine

It’s Freezing in LA! website
Special Edition: Visible Signs that Something Isn’t Right
#9: Health
#8: Borders
#7: Regeneration
#6: Greenwashing
#5: New Approaches
#4: Humans & Ecology
#3: Protest
#2: Time for a Change
#1: Pilot

Selected press

AIGA Eye on Design
The Daily Heller
The Guardian
Mag Culture (on IFLA! 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Creative Lives in Progress
It’s Nice That


D&AD (Shortlisted)
D&AD (Wood)
D&AD New Blood (Wood)

Stack Magazine (Shortlisted)

Stack Magazine (Shortlisted)

Stack Magazine (Shortlisted)

Talks, workshops, and live briefs

Camberwell University
Canterbury University
Central Saint Martins
Leeds University

Lighthouse Brighton

Norwich University
Kingston University

Winchester University

Matthew Sequel Lewis © 2024
All images on this site are creations by Matthew Sequel Lewis, unless otherwise specified.

It’s Freezing in LA! #3: Protest

The third issue of It’s Freezing in LA! coincided with the Fridays For Future protests, a global climate demonstration lead by school students. Respectfully, Issue 3 centered ‘Protest’ as its theme. Throughout the pages, articles look at ecosystem service schemes, green finance, universal basic income, and green policy, among the diverse range of topics in connection with climate change.

The graphic theme features circle motifs, which playfully resemble snow falling. Yet these circles are actually visual representations of the numbers of young attendees to Fridays For Future climate strikes organised in many countries around the world. This data is unpacked on page 30 with accompanying captions about the climate credentials of the respective countries.

Cover - It’s Freezing in LA! #3: Protest'Global Climate Strike for Future' graphic spread - It’s Freezing in LA! #3: ProtestEditorial design with writing by Zoë Svendsen - It’s Freezing in LA! #3: ProtestEditorial design with poem by Phoebe Thomson and illustration by Charlotte Ager It’s Freezing in LA! #3: Protest

Creative direction: Matthew Lewis, and Nina Carter
Graphic design: Matthew Lewis
Art editor: Nina Carter

Editor: Martha Dillon
Deputy Editor: Jackson Howarth

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